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Community Music

One of my great passions is making music with people of different intellectual and geographical backgrounds. In my roles as a Music Educator, Teaching Artist and musician, I have been able to gain some experience in the field of "Community Music". For working with various groups of people (inclusion groups, refugees, people with very limited access to education, etc.) I use methods from the areas of elementary music making, improvisation-theatre, circus, moderation, animation and much more. ​


Here are a few examples of my previous projects of Community Music:


Swing of Sound

Together with my wife Valerie Krenhuber-Murnig I founded the alternative educational and therapeutic music project Klangschaukel (swing of sound) in 2015. We make music with people of different ages, origins and abilities from Austria to Africa to South America.


Every year, the mdw offers children and young people an insight into everyday musical life as part of the SummerCityCamps in Vienna. As an Music Educator and Teaching Artist, I was there in the summers of 2021, 2022 & 2023.



In the summer of 2022, I had the honor to work as an Music Eduactor and musician at the international mdw summer academy in Payerbach-Reichenau (AUT). Under the title "Der Höllental-Musikexpress" we made music together with the local people.

Project Tschick

In the winter of 2022/23 I was Teaching Artist in the context of the music theatre project "Tschick - a Hero?" by the Vienna State Opera and the mdw for and with prisoners from the Gerasdorf youth prison (AUT).


Arará - Shows for Kids

Together with my band Arará we play shows for young audience from 4 years under the title "Brazil, the country of my dreams" & "salty + sweet = pink" and for  young audience from 6 years ("A terra do Brasil - a tree tells its history"). Engagements at Kultursommer Vienna, Jeunesse & WienXtra, among others.

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